Michael Daniels

Mike Daniels

Michael Daniels


T he road to perdition began for Mike at age 14 when an older neighbor suggested he take French for his high school language requirement because, “Those classes are almost all girls.”

A few short years later, thanks to the efforts of an inspiring teacher, Isabelle Carduner, he managed to spend a week outside of Paris with a French family. He was served wine at dinner and ate Brie de Meaux and was even offered a couple of hand-rolled cigarettes when the coffee came out.

The hook was set. Subsequently, he spent a year in Paris. In 2005, following a stint as a vagabond English teacher in Prague, Mike met Roy in DC at precisely the right time.

He has since held the following positions at Vintage ’59: administrator, director of currency manipulation, sales coordinator, chief hostage negotiator, CFO, logistics guy, receptionist, cook, human resource manager, cat pan man, translator, swim instructor, and tour guide. In 2008 he became a partner.

Nearly everything of note that he knows about wine is thanks to the family of V59 growers that have graciously welcomed him into their homes, their vines, and their cellars year after year.

Michael lives in Ann Arbor, Michigan with his partner, Korin, their two wonderful children, and a charming dog named Franklin Pancake.